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materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 - procedure text


Pengertian, Structure, Ciri-ciri Procedure Text dan Contohnya

A. Pengertian Procedure Text

Sebelum menjelaskan tentang generic structure, ciri-ciri procedure text dan contohnya, saya akan memulai penjelasan ini mendefinisikan pengertian procedure text baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
Jadi yang dimaksud dengan procedure text adalah sebuah genre of text yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan atau dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah yang benar.

B. Tujuan Procedure Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari procedure text adalah bagaimana seorang penulis mampu memahamkan pembaca tentang cara melakukan, menyelesaikan atau mencapai sesuatu dengan cara yang runtut dan benar atau prosedural. Sebenarnya dilihat dari istilahnya, kita tentu sudah bisa memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text. Jadi mungkin ini adalah salah satu genre of text yang tanpa dijelaskan sebelumnya tapi kita sudah dapat meraba apa maksud tujuan teks ini.

C. Generic Structure Procedure Text

  1. The Goal of Activity
    Pada bagian ini, penulis mencoba menjelaskan tentang apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai melalui serangkaian langkah yang akan dijelaskan pada paragraf berikutnya sehingga pembaca tidak salah paham tentang apa yang sedang dibicarakan.
  2. Any Material Needed for Procedure
    Setelah pembaca mengetahui sesuatu apa yang akan dibuat atau dicapai, kemudian penulis memaparkan materi atau bahan-bahan yang harus dipersiapkan atau dibutuhkan agar sesuatu tersebut dapat dicapai dengan baik. Jadi pastikan semua bahan atau materi sudah lengkap sebelum mulai membuatnya.
  3. Steps to Achieve the goal
    Jika bahan-bahan atau materi yang dibutuhkan sudah lengkap, barulah penulis memberitahukan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan secara runtut atau urut. Jadi pada bagian ini penulis harus menjelaskannya secara urut dan tidak boleh loncat-loncat.
  4. Conclusion
    Kesimpulan yang berisi tentang hasil akhir dari apa yang telah dikerjakan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah yang telah ditentukan.

D. Ciri-ciri Redaksi Procedure Text

  1. Fokus pada agen manusia umum.
  2. Penggunaan present tense.
  3. sering Imperatif/bentuk perintah, seperti: buatlah (make), gunakanlah (use) dsb.
  4. Penggunaan conjuctions temporal (atau penomeran untuk menunjukkan urutan).
    Contoh: then, after that, before, after, while, dan lain sebagainya.

E. Contoh Procedure Text

gambar milkshake untuk pengertian dan generic structure procedure text beserta contohnyaContoh 1: How to Make a Milkshake
A milkshake is a sweet, cold beverage which is usually made from milk, ice cream, or iced milk, and flavorings or sweeteners such as butterscotch, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, or fruit syrup. If you want to make a delicious milkshake by your selves, then this is the way how to make it.
The ingredients that you need to make a milkshake are:
  • 4 cups vanilla ice cream
  • 2 cups milk
  • 4 teaspoons chocolate sauce (optional)
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
Now, follow these steps to make a milkshake.
  1. Place milkshake glasses into the freezer. Using cold glasses will help the shake stay cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if possible.
  2. Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before making your shake.
  3. Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added flavors into the blender. Blend on high for one minute. Don’t leave in the blender for longer or the shake will melt quickly.
  4. Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as soon as the blending is complete. Then pour the shake mixture in.
  5. Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from the glass but somehow the straw adds to the flavor and the experience.
If you do not have a blender, you may substitute with a mixer, but be careful as it could be messy. And if you do not have anything else to mix, just use a spoon, but let the ice cream thaw first to make the milkshake easier to mix. Enjoy your milkshake.
  1. Paragraf pertama: the Goal. Penulis berusaha menjelaskan apa itu milkshake dan mengapa ia menulis tulisan ini, yaitu ingin memberitahu pembaca bagaimana cara membuat milkshake.
  2. Paragraf kedua: the Materials Needed. Berisi bahan-bahan yang harus dipersiapkan dan dibutuhkan untuk membuat milkshake.
  3. Paragraf ketiga: Steps, yang berisi langkah-langkah yang dishare oleh penulis untuk membuat milkshake dari langkah pertama hingga menjadi milkshake.
  4. Paragraf keempat: Conclusion. Jadi kesimpulannya, karena namanya shake (dikocok) maka pembuatan milkshake harus menggunakan alat bantu seperti blender, jika tidak punya, penulis menganjurkan menggunakan mixer, bahkan jika tidak punya sama sekali, maka bisa menggunakan spon.
Demikianlah penjelasan lengkap tentang Pengertian, Generic Structure, Ciri-ciri Procedure Text dan Contohnya. Semoga membantu. Jika kamu suka artikel ini, mohon sumbangan like, twit dengan berkomentar di bawah ini. Terima kasih.
Contoh soal procedur text

Soal Procedure Text 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.

1. Where is the life jacket located?
A. Over the head
B. Around the waist.
C. Outsite the aircraft.
D. In the back of the seat.
E. Under the seat.

2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system
A. Table.
B. The life jacket.
C. Mobile phones
D. The attached light.
E. Tapes around the waist.

Soal Procedure Text 2
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
Total Time : 45 minutes

16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust

Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire).
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.

3. How many persons is the cake for?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 35
E. 2

4. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
A. how to beat cream cheese
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
D. how make chocolate cheese cake
E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips

5. The text is called a/an . . . . .
A. explanation
B. description
C. procedure
D. report
E. spoof

Soal Procedure Text 2
How to Make Starfruit Punch
• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

6. What is the text about?
A. How to make starfruit punch
B. The ingredients of starfruit punch
C. How to use blender
D. How to stir thoroughly
E. How to slice starfruit

7. …..lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly. The word “stir“ means….
A. to make smooth
B. to boil
C. to cut
D. to make dry
E. to move an object in order to mix it

8. Which of the following procedures is true?
A. Put slices of starfruit in the glass.
B. Put ice cubes in the blender.
C. Skim two spoonful of vanilla.
D. Skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened
E. Wait until the ice cubes are melted.

Soal Procedure Text 3
Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is possible with any computer that has a CD driver, but it is easier on a computer that can run two CDs at once. Either way, you can copy all your music from one CD to the next. Here is how to copy from one CD to another, using one and two CD drivers.
Instructions Burning with two CD Trays
1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer’s CD tray. Insert a blank CD into your computer’s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player. Drag the songs you want from the list of your songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at the top of the Burn List Menu.
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added to the Burn List. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both of the CDs out.

9. What is the topic of the text?
A Running two CDs.
B. Opening Media Player.
C. Copying a compact disc.
D. Choosing the blank CD.
E. Inserting the CD into computer.

10. What should we do after click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player?
A. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song.
B. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
C. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both CDs out.
D. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the songs you want from the CD.
E. Drag the songs from the list of Songs

11. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…” The word “possible” is closest in meaning to…
A. Improbable
B. Probable
C. Unlikely
D. Doubtful
E. Suspicious

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