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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

Materi Teks Narrative Kelas 9

  Definition of Narrative Text Teks naratif adalah suatu bentuk teks yang lisan atau tertulis yang menceritakan sebuah cerita dari satu karakter atau lebih yang mengahadapi situasi tertentu yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menghibur para pembaca. Jenis teks naratif seperti,  legend, fable, fairy tale, folktale, short story, real-life drama, classic, fantasy, adventure, science, fiction, myth dan mistery.   Example  of Narrative Text SANGKURIANG Once upon a time in West Java, Indonesia, lived a princess named Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and kind-hearted. Her hobby was weaving cloth. But sometimes she could be very lazy. One day her weaving tool fell but she was too lazy to get it herself. She shouted out, "Can anybody help me get my tool? If you are a female, I will take you as my sister. If you are a male, I will marry you!" A male creature came, but it was a dog. His name was Tumang. He happily brought her the tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised but she had to ...